A guide on marketing strategies for promoting Requity Homes program, including presentation slides, brochure, social media post, property listing, and video tutorials for your prospective clients.

Ready to market Requity Homes?

At Requity Homes, we're not just providing a rent-to-own solution - we're building a brand. To ensure that our message is consistent and impactful, we have established a set of rules and guidelines for our partners to follow when marketing our program. It includes an informative guide with standard marketing templates for both print and digital channels, helping you effectively promote your partnership with Requity Homes and expand your reach to potential clients.

Building Your Requity Homes Brand

How to market Requity Homes while building and strengthening your business?
Here's a step-by-step guide on how referral partners can use marketing resource templates in promoting Requity Homes.
  • Understand the program
    Familiarize yourself with Requity Homes' rent-to-own program by making sure that you have a clear understanding of the program's benefits, who it serves, and the qualifications.
  • Review the marketing resources
    Check out the marketing resources available which includes Requity Homes brand book and marketing template guidelines. These resources are designed to help you understand the branding guidelines on how to promote the program effectively and professionally.
  • Select a template
    Choose the appropriate marketing template that fits your target audience and your preferred channel of promotion (e.g. social media, print, signages, etc.). The templates available cover a range of topics such as the 4-step application process, the benefits, and other aspirational content.
  • Customize the template
    Add your personal touch to the template by inserting your contact information and logo. You can also tailor the language of some resources such as social media templates to reflect your unique style and tone of voice.
  • Share the template
    Once you have customized the template, share it with your network. You can post it on your social media pages, send it via email to your contacts, or print it out and distribute it at local events.
  • Select a template
    Choose the appropriate marketing template that fits your target audience and your preferred channel of promotion (e.g. social media, print, signages, etc.). The templates available cover a range of topics such as the 4-step application process, the benefits, and other aspirational content.

Marketing Guidelines

Brand Book

A brand book is a guide that outlines the visual and written guidelines for a brand, including rules on how to use the brand's elements to maintain consistency and create a recognizable image.

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Marketing Template Guideline

This guideline provides instructions and list of standard marketing templates for effective and consistent messaging of Requity Homes' rent-to-own program. It includes instructions on design elements and the file links which you can edit and download.

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Standard Marketing Materials

Presentation Slides

These presentation slides showcase the advantages of Requity Homes' rent-to-own program, providing potential clients with a clear understanding of how it works and how it can benefit them.

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A 2-pager document designed to introduce prospect clients to Requity Homes rent-to-own program. The brochure is typically provided as part of the onboarding process and serves to educate clients on the program's features and benefits.

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Property Listing Flyer

This document contains property details, photos, and contact information for the listing agent under the rent-to-own program.

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Lawn Signage

This material can promote a rent-to-own property by displaying contact details in a highly visible area of the property lawn.

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Flyers (Newcomers)

This 2-page marketing flyer is specifically designed to target newcomers and provide them with all the information they need about Requity Homes' rent-to-own program. It is an excellent resource for those who are looking to become homeowners but may not have the resources to do so through traditional means.

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Flyers (Generic)

This 2-page marketing flyer targets a diverse range of audiences, including newcomers, business owners, and families with low credit scores. It provides valuable information and solutions for each of these groups, helping them achieve their homeownership goals with Requity Homes.

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In-Feed Post: How it works

This social media in feed post template provides a clear and concise message on how the program works in four easy steps.

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Story Post: How it works

This social media story post template provides a clear and concise message on how the program works in four easy steps.

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In-Feed Post: Aspirational

This social media in-feed post template encapsulates the aspirations of future homeowners, showcasing how Requity Homes can help them achieve their dream of owning a home.

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In-Feed Post: Benefits

This social media in-feed post template highlights the benefits of the rent-to-own program to potential clients.

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Story Post: Benefits

This social media story post template highlights the benefits of the rent-to-own program to potential clients.

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